Friday 6 November 2009



Genres are different types of films to appeal to different people. People have different interests in films and so if they want to see something scary, they will look up the horror genre. If they're in the mood f0r something romantic, yet funny, they will look at films in the romantic comedy genre. There are more examples of film genres below:

  • Western - is a fictional genre seen in film, television, radio, literature, painting and other visual arts. Western films are most commonly associated with cowboys and barrelled guns. They are usually set in a desert in old wooden shed type places. The Western genre, particularly in films, often portrays the conquest of the wilderness. They often centre the story on a semi-nomadic wanderer, typically a cowboy or a gunfighter. Gunfighters and gunslingers are referred to in the American Old West(which comprises the history, geography, peoples, lore, and cultural expression of life in the western United States ), as people who gained a reputation by being dangerous with a gun. A cowboy is an animal herder who tends (take care of) cattle on ranches. Western films are set in Western United States. These movies are usually based off the American Civil war. Many well-known actors such as Clint Eastwood have acted in very popular western films such as 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' (1966) (also known as 'Il buono, il brutto e il cattivo.' Which is the Italian title).

  • Romantic Comedy - is a hybrid genre of fiction, especially motion pictures. It is when a story about romance is presented in a comedic style. Romantic comedies are known as rom-coms. This type of film is often associated with the term 'Chick-flick'. Romantic comedy films are a sub-genre of comedy films as well as of romance films. The basic plot of a romantic comedy is usually when two people (male and female) meet and fall for each other but then they part ways (go different directions) due to an article or an obstacle of some sort, but then ultimately reunite. But before they become involved they may not even confess (to anyone) their feelings for each other, they may deflect from the truth of them being attracted to one another. However, the screenwriter leaves clues throughout the movie, to suggest that they would in fact make a good love match for each other. A lot of the most famous actors and actresses act in romantic comedies such as Tom Hanks in 'You've got mail' (1998) along with Meg Ryan.

  • Thriller - is a broad genre of film, literature, television, and gaming that includes numerous sub-genres. A thriller film is a film that keeps you interested the whole way through and makes you not want to miss any part of it. It keeps your adrenalin pumping throughout the whole movie. Thrillers often take part in exotic settings such as foreign cities, deserts, Polar Regions, or high seas. The heroes in thrillers are known as 'hard men' (accustomed to danger), they could be law enforcement officers, spies, soldiers, seamen or aviators. However, they could also be ordinary men drawn into the danger by accident (it could be that they have to rescue a loved one). Even though the traditional hero is commonly male, women have also played the heroic type (heroine) in films. Many famous actors have acted in very popular action thrillers such as Bruce Willis in the 'Die hard' films or Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 'Terminator' movies. In these type of films, you would see lots of action to do with guns. The men would look very dirty and rugged with a lot of cuts and bruises.

  • Horror - is a genre of fiction in any medium intended to scare, unsettle and horrify the audience. Horror is usually known as the experience of a supernatural intrusion in a person's life and intended to scare the audience. Horror is one of the most popular categories. Any work of fiction with a morbid, gruesome, surreal, or exceptionally suspenseful or frightening theme has come to be called "horror". Horror fiction often overlaps science fiction or fantasy, all three categories of which are sometimes placed under the umbrella classification speculative fiction. Hauntings in films of the paranormal are usually used a plot for the main movies, like haunted houses or people being haunted by ghosts, djinnis (genies) and vampire movies are also very popular like all of the movies based around Dracular. Horrors are thrillas as well, they have jumpy moments in them to get your heart pumping. 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' (2003) is a very popular film directed by Michael Bay and Marcus Nispel. It stared Jessica Biel, Jonathan Tucker, Erica Leerhsen and more. It's about cannibals and trying to escape. Another film that isn't really known and neither are the actors is 'Paranormal Activity' which is about a demon posessing a woman's body. A lot if these films have the guide of being based in a true story, this is trying to make the audience even more terrified, the true stary that some of them are based on may even be irrelevant to the movie. Horrors are meant for grabbing our attention and keeping us awake by all the jumpy parts the whole way through.

  • Urban Realists - Despite the enormous outpouring of creativity during the 1920s, the vogue of black writing, black art, and black culture waned markedly in the early 1930s as the Great Depression took hold in the United States. African American pundits in the 1930s and ’40s tended to depreciate the achievements of the New Negroes, calling instead for a more politically engaged, socially critical realism. There are more examples of Urban Realist artists who paint what they see. Movies such as Bullet Boy deal with the real life crisis of a black family as they deal with the reality of life in bad areas of London. This movie stars Ashley Walters and is an emotional story about a boy trying to get out of the life of guncrime and set a better example for his little brother but being caught in the middle, his life becomes very unfortunate. Urban Realist films are focused around the lives of the troubled youth but they are also like realty made into a film. There are many urban realist films which are concentrated around the negetive side of the ethnic group that the film is based around. These films tell the story of those who had to fight to suvive and how they could still turn their life around before it was too late. These films also deal with the issue of solving problems by using guns and smoking illegal substances to take up their free time. the iconography of this genre is guns, grugs, drug money, knives and bats.

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